IN THE LIBRARY COLLECTION We have a lot of great books and other materials in the library that folks can use to familiarize themselves with the basics of HIV/AIDS. Here are just some highlights of the collection. These books introduce the epidemic without requiring medical background: The Insider Story on AIDS: Experts Answer Your Questions…
IN THE AIDS LIBRARY We have a lot of good resources on Recovery in the library, including: BOOKS *Mindful Recovery: A Spiritual Path to Healing From Addiction, by Thomas Bien and Beverly Bien *The Life Recovery Workbook: A Biblical Guide through the 12 Steps, by Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop *Reclaiming Youth Life: The Gay…
A few Philadelphia FIGHT staff attended the International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Vienna last July. They brought back a lot of interesting materials, which will be available in the AIDS Library. They include all the official IAC materials, as well as position papers and reports by organizations all over the world working on HIV/AIDS. Some…
In the AIDS Library The AIDS Library has a large collection of personal stories of folks living with HIV – and some not about HIV, but about related issues: coming out, addiction, incarceration, etc. I’ve listed some highlights below. After each listing, I made a demographic note about the author or subject, unless it was…
ARTICLES ABOUT HIV/AIDS AND RELIGION has a collection of articles about Coping with HIV/AIDS: Getting Support from Religion/Spirituality, with articles such as: How Spirituality Can Heal What Meds Aren’t Made to Mend AIDS is Not a Punishment: Overcoming Guilt and Shame and more also has a collection of articles on Religion & HIV/AIDS,…
LEGAL REPRESENTATION The AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania is the primary source of pro bono (free) legal counsel for HIV+ folks in Philadelphia. People seeking assistance should call the AIDS Law Project at (215) 587-9377 between 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., Mon-Fri. Spanish is available. In addition, AIDS Law Project offers: Seminars for people who…
AIDS LIBRARY RESOURCES for JOB HUNTING These are some job-hunting books we have in the AIDS Library’s reference collection: Gallery of Best Cover Letters: A Collection of Quality Cover Letters by Professional Resume Writers Networking and Interviewing for Jobs (from “Putting the Bars Behind” You series Job Hunting Tips for People with Hot and Not-So-Hot…
HIV-SIV PHylogenic Tree from Los Alamos National Laboratory From time to time even the most experienced case managers might get thrown a curve ball. Since HIV-2 is very uncommon in the United States, an American HIV/AIDS Case manager is likely to be surprised when a client gets an HIV-2 diagnosis. Fortunately, the AIDS Library is…
You may have many options when it comes to how you want to setup your email accounts. Below is a description of your options and why you might want to choose one option over another. To begin with, there are two “protocols” to choose from. It is important to understand them in order to understand…
DATING For those looking to start a relationship, there are a number of good HIV+ dating websites: Poz Personals: Singles: Match: For the MSM population, the library has a documentary on the subject of online “cruising,” Hooked. You can read about the movie: Or come down to the library and check it out yourself. SEX…