Information about The International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012)
Webcasts of the many conference sessions will be available to watch online (not available until the sessions take place) via the Kaiser Family Foundation’s AIDS 2012 page.
The AIDS 2012 Website has lots of info including:
- The official promotional video
- Conference FAQs
- Bios of the plenary speakers
- Info about youth programming
- Info about the Global Village – for networking and sharing between organizations from all over the world
- How to organize a Conference Hub – “mini conferences” held during or after the international conference by local organizations, which can be registered as late as September 15, 2012
The International AIDS Society, which organized the conference, has proposed The Washington D.C. Declaration to “turn the tide” against the epidemic, which you can read and sign.
For Science News Coverage from AIDS 2012, see NAM AIDSmap’s AIDS 2012 page, which includes:
- A sign-up for Email Bulletins with daily round-ups of science news from the conference
- Background Reading on major themes of the conference
For Community Events, see AIDS 2012 Reunion, which lists events from film screenings to dance parties, that aren’t officially part of the conference.
Facebook users can check out the conference’s Facebook page.
Twitter users can follow updates at:
- @AIDS2012 – for general updated
- @GVAIDS2012 – for updates about the Global Village
- @YouthAIDS2012 – for updates about Youth
There are many Youth Organizations with web presences about AIDS 2012, including:
Many people have published Opinions & Commentary about AIDS 2012. Here are a few that may be of interest:
- Countdown AIDS 2012 page – a collection of articles by the Prevention Justice Alliance, about Treatment Access, Social Justice, Queer & Trans Justice, HIV Criminalization and more
- A talk by Dr. Eric Goosby, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, at the Brookings Institution
- A blog post by Dr. Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with many official U.S. government statements and documents relevant to AIDS 2012
- Statements by the World YWCA, especially about women’s issues
- Brown Bag webinars by the National Latino AIDS Action Network on AIDS 2012
On July 24th, there will be a huge Activist Mobilization called We Can End AIDS outside the conference.
- Read the platform
- Find out about free transportation to D.C. on the 24th
AIDS Activist Resources in the AIDS Library
The following books and movies cover the AIDS epidemic from the perspectives of activists and social critics.
- AIDS and Accusations: Haiti and the Geography of Blame, by Paul Farmer
- AIDS and the Policy Struggle in the United States, by Patricia D. Siplon
- AIDS: Cultural Analysis, Cultural Activism, ed. by Douglas Crimp
- AIDS in the Twenty-First Century: Disease and Globalization, by Tony Barnett and Alan Whiteside
- The AIDS Pandemic: Complacency, Injustice and Unfulfilled Expectations, by Lawrence O. Gostin
- Ashamed to Die: Silence, Denial, and the AIDS Epidemic in the South, by Andrew K. Skerrit
- Body Count: Fixing the Blame for the Global AIDS Catastrophe, by Peter Gill
- The Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics, by Cathy J. Cohen
- Fighting for our Lives: New York’s AIDS Community and the Politics of Disease, by Susan M. Chambre
- From ACT UP to the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Era of Globalization, ed. by Benjamin Shepard and Ronald Hayduk
- Global AIDS Myths and Facts: Tools for Fighting the AIDS Pandemic, by Alexander Irwin, Joyce Millen, and Dorothy Fallows
- Globalizing AIDS, by Cindy Patton
- How to Have Theory in an Epidemic: Cultural Chronicles of AIDS, by Paula A. Treichler
- Impure Science: AIDS, Activism, and the Politics of Knowledge, by Steven Epstein
- Infections and Inequalities, by Paul Farmer
- Inventing AIDS, by Cindy Patton
- Moving Mountains: The Race to Treat Global AIDS, by Anne-Christine d’Adesky
- Not in My Family: AIDS in the African-American Community, ed. by Gil L. Robertson IV
- Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor, by Paul Farmer
- Policing Public Sex, ed. by Dangerous Bedfellows
- Righteous Dopefiends, by Philippe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg
- The Tragedy of Today’s Gays, by Larry Kramer
- Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men, by Gabriel Rotello
- Stitching a Revolution: The Making of an Activist, by Cleve Jones
- We Make Change: Community Organizers Talk About What They Do – and Why, by Kristin Layng Szakos & Joe Szakos
- When Bodies Remember: Experiences and Politics of AIDS in South Africa, by Didier Fassin
- Will to Live: AIDS Therapies and the Politics of Survival, by João Biehl
- Women, AIDS & Activism, by the ACT UP New York Women and AIDS Book Group
- Women, Families, and HIV/AIDS: A Sociological Perspective on the Epidemic in America, by Carole Campbell
- Pills Profits Protest: Chronicle of the Global AIDS Movement, directed by Anne-Christine D’Adensky, Shanti Avirgan, and Ann T. Rosetti
- Sex in an Epidemic, directed by Jean Carlomusto
- Voices from the Front, directed by Sandra Elgear, Robyn Hutt, and David Meieran [note: In-house Reference copy. This item does not circulate]
The History of AIDS Activism
There is no one history of AIDS activism. For some tellings of the history, see
- Drugs Into Bodies! A History of AIDS Treatment Activism, from Body Positive
- The ACT UP Oral History Project (focusing on ACT UP New York), archived by the Harvard University Library
- ACT UP New York’s Capsule History, its Chronology, and other writings at its Documents webpage
- POZ Magazine founder Sean Strub’s Denver Principles Empowerment Index & A Brief History of the Empowerment Movement
- MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s report ACT UP Marks 25 Years of AIDS Activism
For many more personal accounts, see’s collection of HIV/AIDS Activist Profiles & Personal Accounts, and their collection of HIV/AIDS Activist Obituaries.
For further research, ACT UP New York has a bibliography of books and articles on the AIDS activism at their Research Info page.
For more information can on the history of AIDS activism in Philadelphia, see:
- Pascal Emmer’s essay on ACT UP Philly and “queer futurity” – note: not available in full text without database access, contact us for assistance
- The Gay History Wiki – note: as a wiki, the content of this website may not be verified
AIDS Activism Now
For news about AIDS activism, see’s webpage, HIV/AIDS Activism News.
There are many organizations that do activist work around the HIV/AIDS epidemic. To learn about their actions, join them, or support their causes, see the contact information at their websites: