The AIDS Library of Philadelphia Fight produces a number of handouts and publications that are available to the public. One of our most recently updated publications is the list of Ongoing Groups at Philadelphia FIGHT. This programming ranges from support groups to educational classes to recreational groups like Yoga or Creative Writing. Many are open…
Searching for employment can be a daunting task. Philadelphia FIGHT offers several resources that may be useful for job seekers. Be sure to contact the AIDS Library at if you would like additional information about any of the resources spotlighted in this post. Please make sure to call each program directly to check eligibility in…
June is AIDS Education month! Here are resources, including many freely available curricula and lesson-plans, that you can use to educate about HIV/AIDS in June or any time of the year. Click here to learn more about Philadelphia FIGHT’s activities for AIDS Education Month 2012! IN THE AIDS LIBRARY Here are some titles we have…
Do you use apps on a smartphone or other mobile device? Did you know that there are thousands of great apps and mobile websites to learn about health, from practical tools like medication schedulers to comprehensive resources like the MedlinePlus Mobile site, from calorie counters to Narcotics Anonymous meeting finders to a game called “Catch…
The AIDS Library has many movies and documentaries in its collection. In addition, we maintain a list of online videos that we recommend to learn more about HIV/AIDS, activism, medical news, and other topics, from reliable sources including the National Library of Medicine, Planned Parenthood, PBS, and our very own YouTube page. Click on the…
In the AIDS Library These materials are available in the AIDS Library. Come on down when we’re open and check them out! HCV/HIV Coinfection Information, by the American Liver Foundation Hepatitis & Liver Disease: What You Need to Know (Revised Edition), by Melissa Palmer, M.D. Hepatitis C, The First Year: An Essential Guide for the…
The information below reflects what was current in the run-up to the election in Fall 2012. Much of this information is now old, and it is likely to change based on policies and laws implemented before future elections. We have decided to keep this information here for reference, but please be aware that some of…
This blog post was written in the period following the IAC. Some of the news stories and round-ups below may be removed or altered. Please contact the AIDS Library if you need assistance. The AIDS Library has many publications brought back from the International AIDS Conference 2012. These cover a broad range: comprehensive reports from global organizations,…
Information about The International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) Webcasts of the many conference sessions will be available to watch online (not available until the sessions take place) via the Kaiser Family Foundation’s AIDS 2012 page. The AIDS 2012 Website has lots of info including: The official promotional video Conference FAQs Bios of the plenary speakers…
Introductions For an introduction to the latest developments in the search for a cure, see Project Inform’s A Primer on What’s Up With Cure Research. For introductions from an activist perspective, see: AIDS Policy Project’s It’s Time for a Cure factsheets (in English and Spanish), as well as the longer AIDS Cure Research for Everyone:…