A few Philadelphia FIGHT staff attended the International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Vienna last July. They brought back a lot of interesting materials, which will be available in the AIDS Library.
They include all the official IAC materials, as well as position papers and reports by organizations all over the world working on HIV/AIDS. Some are big books, some are short fact sheets, some are DVDs and other multimedia.
All of the material is available in the AIDS Library starting this week. Stop by any time we’re open – Monday through Friday, 1pm to 5pm – and catch up on the global response to the epidemic. Just be aware that the items can be viewed and copied in the Library, but that they can’t be checked out.
Below is a list of the materials, sorted by topic. Under that are links to videos and other info about the IAC, as well as some news and opinion reports on it.
IAC Materials in the AIDS Library
- the conference program book
- two-volume collection of abstracts of all sessions
- booklets of program activities and program supplements
- booklet of “Key Areas of Special Interest to People Living With HIV”
- conference CD-ROM
- UNAIDS Outlook – a big magazine-style collection of articles, interviews and fantastically designed graphs
- UNAIDS Library, a CD-ROM by UNAIDS
- Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection in Infants and Children: Towards Universal Access, World Health Organization
- Drug Control and Access to Controlled Medicines: A Global View map, by Human Rights Watch
- TAG 2010 Pipeline Report, by Treatment Action Group
- Do Well and Scale Up Comprehensive HIV Programmes: 2010, a CD-ROM by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- Mandatory Premarital HIV Testing: An Overview by the Open Society Institute
- Woman and HIV Testing: Policies, Practices, and the Impact on Health and Human Rights, by the Open Society Institute
- Standards of Prevention in HIV Prevention Trials: Consultation Report and Recommendations, by the Global Campaign for Microbicides
- All About Condoms, an interactive CD by the UN Populations Fund
- What Works for Women and Girls: Evidence for HIV/AIDS Interventions Executive Summary, by the Open Society Institute
- Cervical Cancer Action Planner, a CD-ROM by the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
- Avahan-The India AIDS Initiative: The Business of HIV Prevention at Scale, by the India AIDS Initiative
- Global Reach: How Trade Unions are Responding to AIDS, by the International Labour Organization and UNAIDS
- From Promise to Product: Advancing Rectal Microbicide Research and Advocacy, by the International Rectal Microbicide Advocates
- Microbicides: Ways Forward, by the Alliance for Microbicide Development
- Hope Against HIV: Microbicide Trials in Your Community, a video by Population Council and Paw Print Productions
- More Than Just a Roof Over My Head: Housing for People Living with HIV/AIDS Around the World, by the National AIDS Housing Coalition
- Principles of Physical and Cognitive Rehabilitation in HIV Disease, by Dr. Will Chegwiggen, et al
- Growing Older with the Epidemic: HIV and Aging, by Gay Men’s Health Crisis
- Recommendations Concerning HIV and AIDS and the World of Work, by the International Labour Office
- An ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work, by the International Labour Organization
- Heart of a Hero, a comic set in Trinidad and Tobago about HIV-related stigma
- A Silence is Broken, a book of HIV-themed poems by Gary Gumbs
SUBSTANCE USE [see also under “PRISON,” below]
- Drug Policy Guide, by the International Drug Policy Consortium
- International Harm Reduction Resources CD-ROM, by the International Harm Reduction Development Program
- Illegal Drugs: The Problem is Prohibition, The Solution is Control and Regulation, by the Transform Drug Policy Foundation
- After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation, by the Transform Drug Policy Foundation
- Syringe Exchange Programs Around the World: The Global Context, by Gay Men’s Health Crisis
- The Adventures of Methadone Man and Buprenophrine Babe – a comic published by the Open Society Institute
- Know Your Drug War, by the Transform Drug Policy Foundation
- Sentenced to Stigma: Segregation of HIV-Positive Prisoners in Alabama and South Carolina, by the American Civil Liberties Union
- Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights of Prisoners Living With HIV, by the Global Network of People Living With HIV
- China: Where Darkness Knows no Limits – Incarceration, Ill Treatment and Forced Labor as Drug Rehabilitation in China, by Human Rights Watch
- An Unbreakable Cycle – Drug Dependency, Mandatory Confinement and HIV/AIDS in China’s Guangxi Province, by Human Rights Watch
- Skin on the Cable – The Illegal Arrest, Detention and Torture of People Who Use Drugs in Cambodia, by Human Rights Watch
- Barred from Treatment – Punishment of Drug Users in NY State Prisons, by Human Rights Watch
- Arrest the Violence: Human Rights Abuses Against Sex Workers in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, booklet and CD-ROM by Sex Workers Rights Advocacy Network
- Sex Work, HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, by the Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network
- Multilanguage Information Materials for Sex Workers CD-ROM, by Tampep International Foundation: European Network for HIV/STI Prevention and Health Promotion among Migrant Sex Workers
- Sex Workers’ Rights – a magazine-style collection by International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe
- Outlines for Multisectorial Work with Transgender Populations, Human Rights, Sex Work and HIV/AIDS, by Ximena Salazar L. & Jana Villayzan A.
- Taking Care of Yourself: A Guide for Trans Sex Workers, by the Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Task Force
- HIV/AIDS and the Rule of Law: Rights Here, Right Now, by the American Bar Association
- HIV/AIDS and Human Rights, by Human Rights Watch
- HIV/AIDS & Human Rights: A Resource Guide, by the Open Society Institute
- Toolkit: Scaling Up HIV-Related Legal Services, by UNAIDS, the International Development Law Organization, United Nations Development Programme
- The Impact of HIV-Related Restrictions on Entry, Stay, and Residence: An Annotated Bibliography, by the UNAIDS International Task Team on HIV-Related Travel Restrictions
- Human Rights & HIV/AIDS: Now More Than Ever, by UNAIDS
- “Please, Do Not Make Us Suffer Any More. . .”: Access to Pain Treatment as a Human Right, by Human Rights Watch
- Report of the International Task Team on HIV-Related Travel Restrictions, by UNAIDS
- Disability and HIV/AIDS: A Short Film About the Situation of Person with Disabilities and Their Struggle Against HIV/AIDS in Uganda, by the Disabled People’s Organisations Denmark
- Disability and HIV/AIDS factsheet, by the Disabled People’s Organisations Denmark
- A Glimpse at Handicap International HIV and AIDS Initiatives, by Hadicap International
LEISURE READING [The most fun items of the whole lot, I thought]
- The ACT UP Paris 20th Anniversary book – in French, but over half pictures. A beautifully constructed book, brilliantly titled “We Regret to Announce the 20th Anniversary of ACT UP Paris.”
- Mosotos News: More Talk from the Vienna AIDS Conference – an Onion-meets-Adbusters satirical critique of the IAC by the group Advocacy to Control TB Internationally
IAC Info on the Web
The IAC 2010 website has digital copies of conference programs and abstracts, info on presenting organizations, final statistics for the conference, photos, and more.
The Kaiser Family Foundation published Online Coverage of the IAC, including videos and transcripts of presentations, daily reports from Science magazine, podcasts, and more.
The Vienna Declaration on the Global War on Drugs can be read and signed online.
Many organizations and bloggers have published their thoughts on the IAC. Here are a few:
- The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
- The National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project
- Project Inform
- Take a Number (in Vienna) – bloggers organized by Health GAP
- The Guardian’s Katine Chronicles Blog
- Intellectual Property Watch
Health GAP also collected Press Coverage of the IAC.