Searching for employment can be a daunting task. Philadelphia FIGHT offers several resources that may be useful for job seekers. Be sure to contact the AIDS Library at if you would like additional information about any of the resources spotlighted in this post. Please make sure to call each program directly to check eligibility in order to participate in the services highlighted below.
Here are some titles that we have in the AIDS Library that could be helpful for job seekers.
Job interview preparation:
- Job Interview Tips for People with Not-So-Hot Backgrounds: How to Put Red Flags Behind You to Win the Job, by Caryl and Ronald L. Krannich
- Networking and Interviewing for Jobs, by Ronald C. Mendlin
Resume and cover letter tips and examples:
- Resume, Application and Letter Tips for People with Not-So-Hot Backgrounds: 185 Tips for Landing the Perfect Job, by Ronald L. Krannich
- Best Resumes and Letters for Ex-Offenders, by Wendy S. Enelow
- Gallery of Best Resumes: A Collection of Quality Resumes by Professional Resume Writers, by David Noble
Job hunting advice and tips for retaining employment:
- Job Hunting Tips for People with Not-So-Hot Backgrounds: 101 Smart Steps That Can Change Your Life, by Ronald L. Krannich
- JIST’s Putting the Bars Behind You Series: Instructor’s Resource Manual, by Ronald C. Mendlin
- The Job Loss Recovery Guide: A Proven Program for Getting Back to Work — Fast!, by Lynn Joseph
- The 2004 Philadelphia County Assistance Office Employment and Training Programs, by Philadelphia County Assistance Office
Tips for navigating the workplace:
- Managing AIDS in the Workplace, by Sam B. Puckett
- AIDS in the Workplace: Legal Questions and Practical Answers, by William F. Banta
- AIDS Issues in the Workplace: A Response Model for Human Resource Management, by Dale A. Masi
- Gay Issues in the Workplace, by Brian McNaught
- Public Library Services for the Poor: Doing All We Can, by Leslie Edmonds Holt and Glen E. Holt
- AIDS and the Public Workforce: Local Government Preparedness in Managing the Epidemic, by James D. Slack
- AIDS in the Workplace: Employee Attitudes and Perceptions and the Impact of Educational Programs, by Vincent Gerard Kownacki
- Returning to Work: A Helpful Guide, by the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania
- Your Rights in the Workplace, by Barbara Kate Repa
Educational resources for job seekers:
- McGraw Hill’s GED: The Most Complete and Reliable Study Program for the GED Tests, by Patricia Mulcrone
- The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Computer Basics, by Joe Kraynak
- Office 20013 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies, by Peter Weverka
- Office 2007 for Dummies, by Wally Wang
DVDs exploring HIV/AIDS and employment:
- All of Us – Documentary about two women struggling with the social factors that put them at risk for HIV.
- Philadelphia – Fictional account of an HIV-positive man challenging discrimination (set in Philly!).
Employment Resource Guide
The Society for Employment and Equal Rights of the Institute of Community Justice publishes a resource guide for formerly incarcerated people seeking employment in the Philadelphia area. The resource guide includes:
- Job searching tips
- Job training for people with a criminal record
- Information about staffing agencies and part-time work
- Companies that have hired formerly convicted people
- Computer access resources
- Tips for creating a resume
Download the Employment Resource Guide 2014 [PDF]
To open the PDF, you need Adobe Reader. Click here to download Adobe Reader for free to download Adobe Reader for free. To get copies of the printed and bound Employment Resource Guide, please Contact Us.
The Institute for Community Justice offers two comprehensive programs that may be useful for job seekers in Philadelphia.
Access to Recovery Life Skills Program
When: Every Thursday, 2-4pm
Where: Institute for Community Justice
21 S. 12th Street, 7th Floor (Between Market and Chestnut)
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Details: This course consists of 9 classes and some topics covered are setting goals, violence prevention, parenting, and stress management.
For more information contact Akua at (215) 525-0460 ext. 403
Access to Recovery Career Development Workshops
When: Every Thursday, 11am-1pm
Where: Institute for Community Justice
21 S. 12th StREET, 7th Floor (Between Market and Chestnut)
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Details: Come learn various career development skills including –
- Resume creation
- Tips for keeping a job
- Entrepreneurial skills
- Interviewing skills
- Using a computer for your job search
- Completing online job applications
- Overcoming a criminal record and getting employed
Career Development – Job Readiness Classes (ENROLLMENT REQUIRED)
Call 215-985-4448 ext. 279 to enroll in this course. Classes meet on Monday and Wednesday afternoon for 2 hours over an 8 week period Details: Enroll in this class if you would like to learn valuable career development skills including:
- Writing a great resume and cover letter
- Interviewing skills
- Learning how to understand job descriptions
- Research potential employers
Special Note: You must have some basic computer skills to enter this class. In addition to valuable job and computer skills, students that enroll in the class will also:
- Leave with both a hard and digital copy of their new resume, cover letter, and thank you letter for future updates and changes
- 2 SEPTA tokens at the end of each session
- A certificate of completion at the end of class
- A graduation party
Please be on the lookout for the next installment of our employment series! The next post will feature employment resources available for job seekers in the Philadelphia, PA area.