Professional educators sometimes ask the AIDS Library for help developing
classes on disease transmission. This is a typical response:
I am offering a few links for you to take a look at. Please let us know if we’re on track. If this isn’t exactly what you want we can dig a little deeper and see if we can find you the right material.
“You are a budding epidemiologist who has been called to a popular national park in the American Southwest to investigate a disease outbreak. Six out of eight people camping in the same area have fallen ill with a serious ailment of unknown origin. Local and state public health officials want you to trace the outbreak to its source so their agencies can implement control measures. In this interactive, use the basic methods of field epidemiology to solve this medical mystery…—Lexi Krock”’s Dept of Epidemiology offers some links to epidemiological software.
One program in particular, OpenEpi, is apparently a very sophisticated mathematical tool. More advanced math or biology classes could probably make great use of this free tool: most up-to-date sexual health teaching curricula comes from the Unitarian Universalists. Our Whole Lives is a multivolume set of interesting and frank lesson plans. You can read about it here:
or your welcome to view them at the library. We only have one set, so we can’t lend any yet.We try to collect curricula that we find on the internet related to sex and hiv / aids at the following links:
Se what you think about these collected resources.You may also want to investigate the following websites
From the Government College Boards“This web site has been created as a vehicle for disseminating the current version of Understanding the fundamentals of epidemiology – an evolving text and other learning materials developed during 21 years of teaching EPID168, the introductory course for majors in the Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, ideally with refinements and additions to come.” (—
Reference and Public Services Librarian
AIDS Library and Critical Path Project
Philadelphia FIGHT
1233 Locust Street, 2nd floor
Philadelphia PA 19107215-985-4851 x143