About Clinical Trials For a brief introduction to clinical trials, see AIDS InfoNet’s Participating in a Clinical Trial and How HIV Drugs Get Approved. For a video introduction, see Clinical Trials Part 1 and Part 2 from the AIDS Library’s YouTube page (created and narrated by Val Sowell for Frontline TEACH!). To better understand clinical…
This installment of my reference series is narrower in scope than recent installments like Discharge Planning and Reentry, HIV/AIDS Education, and Trangender Resources. But it deals with a tricky line of question that the AIDS Library sometimes gets: “How likely is [some behavior] to transmit HIV?” This question is tricky for a few reasons. First,…
Announcing The 2011 Discharge Planning Manual (DPM). You may have seen copies at the Prison Summit during AIDS Education Month. The DPM was created to supplement the AIDS Library’s ongoing prisoner correspondence program. We reply to letters from prisoners with questions about HIV/AIDS, other health issues, reentry resources, and more. Last year we answered 747…
Poetry & Creative Writing In the AIDS Library Here are some of the books of poetry and short-form creative writing available for check-out in the AIDS Library. Americano, by Emanuel Xavier – A collection of poems by a gay Latino poet Angels In America, Parts One and Two, by Tony Kushner – An epic “gay…
Below you’ll find items available in the AIDS Library, resources in Philadelphia, and a wide-range of online information regarding transgender individuals, transgender youth in particular, providers of transgender folks, transgender law and policy, and some more general transgender information. I want to stress that the distinction between info for transgender people and for their providers…
Voices from the Front is a powerful film about the first era in AIDS activism. It documents early non-violent warfare waged against our government’s criminally slow response to the emerging epidemic. But rather than coming across as a trial, agit-prop or a bore, the film unfolds like a circus of joyous political theatrics. Audiences want…
Professional educators sometimes ask the AIDS Library for help developing classes on disease transmission. This is a typical response: I am offering a few links for you to take a look at. Please let us know if we’re on track. If this isn’t exactly what you want we can dig a little deeper and see…
CONNECTING LANGUAGES Language can be a barrier to prevention, care, and community outreach. This Australian website has factsheets on HIV/AIDS in 23 different languages. This Canadian site has information in 10 languages, plus a useful multilingual glossary that might be particularly useful if you are conversant in a language but not in its medical terminology….
HIV/AIDS Statistics by Region PHILADELPHIA HIV/AIDS statistics for Philadelphia are collected by the AIDS Activities Coordinating Office (AACO). AACO’s statistics page contains: Graphs and maps of demographic trends Instructions and contact information for specialized data requests The most recent epidemiological report for Philadelphia – This is the most detailed information AACO publishes; scroll down to…