The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention has recently added several items to its site. Check out some of the updates below: New: HIV Prevention Basic Questions and Answers “HIV is preventable. Find out more about how testing, condoms, safer sex, and biomedical options can lower the risk for you and…
Below you’ll find items available in the AIDS Library and resources in Philadelphia. I want to stress that the distinction between info for trans* people and for their providers is not precise. If you’re looking for something specific, you might want to check both sections. Or contact us in the AIDS Library and we can work together…
In honor of Black History Month and National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, the AIDS Library will be hosting a special viewing of The Announcement. Join us this Friday, February 28, 2014 at 2pm in the AIDS Library for a viewing of The Announcement, which will be followed by a discussion. For those unfamiliar with the…
Free Tax Help 2014 – Click here to download the AIDS Library’s printable pathfinder to free tax help in Philadelphia, updated for 2014. WHERE TO GET FREE HELP FILING TAXES Volunteer Income Tax Program – The IRS runs VITA to give free tax-filing assistance to low- and moderate-income individuals and families. See flyer above for a complete…
May marks Hepatitis Awareness Month, hepatitis is a condition of liver inflammation that is a group of viral infections that affect the liver. In the United States, hepatitis is most commonly caused by Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C viruses. According to the CDC, an estimated 4.4 million Americans are living with chronic hepatitis;…
Looking for great nutritional resources in Philadelphia for little or no cost? Check out some of the great resources outlined below. Good and Cheap Good and Cheap is a collection of recipes for people with limited incomes, particularly for those on a $4/day food budget or receiving nutrition assistance via SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)….
Thursday, September 18th is National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day In honor of National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day I have put together a comprehensive list of resources available on the web about HIV and Aging. If you are in the Philadelphia area, join the LGBT Elder Initiative for the event listed below….
October 15th is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day National Latino AIDS Awareness Day is observed annually to highlight the disproportionate burden of HIV among Latinos/Hispanics. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Latinos/Hispanics — despite representing only 16% of the U.S. population — accounted for 21% of new HIV infections in 2010….
Free Tax Help 2013 – Click here to download the AIDS Library’s printable pathfinder to free tax help in Philadelphia, updated for 2013. WHERE TO GET FREE HELP FILING TAXES Volunteer Income Tax Program – The IRS runs VITA to give free tax-filing assistance to low- and moderate-income individuals and families. See flier attached to this…
The updated Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Spanish HIV/AIDS website is now available. Spanish-speaking users may access a wide-array of information including the CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) resources. Users are encouraged to check the website regularly for news and updates, as more fact sheets, consumer Q & As, and other resources…