Kiyoshi was a fighter for social justice all his life and he followed the trajectory of the movement in our generation through the civil rights and antiwar movements, gay liberation ethnic identity and ACT UP.
HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD) is observed annually around the world on May 18th. The day serves as an annual commemoration of the need for and commitment to the ongoing search for a vaccine. There is no vaccine for HIV. As noted by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, “HIV vaccine development has…
Join us in celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the AIDS Library on Friday, November 10, 2017 at 5:30pm. Stay tuned for more details.
April 7th is World Health Day. The theme for World Health Day 2015 is food safety. We recognize that access to safe, nutritious food is a critical issue for many people living in Philadelphia. The AIDS Library of Philadelphia FIGHT has a variety of resources available to the public that provide information about accessing nutritious,…
March 10th is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is observed annually to highlight the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. In 2013, one out of five new HIV infection diagnoses were among women and girls over the age of 13. HIV/AIDS remains a significant health issue…
February 7th is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is observed annually to highlight the disproportionate burden of HIV among African-Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), African-Americans accounted for 47% of persons who received an HIV diagnosis in 2012. A recent report published by the CDC found…
Free Tax Help 2015 – Click here to download the AIDS Library’s printable pathfinder to free tax help in Philadelphia, updated for 2015. WHERE TO GET FREE HELP FILING TAXES Volunteer Income Tax Program – The IRS runs VITA to give free tax-filing assistance to low- and moderate-income individuals and families. See flyer above for a complete…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated the following four fact sheets: HIV Among African Americans HIV Among African American Gay and Bisexual Men HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men HIV Among Latinos The fact sheets include information and statistics on diagnoses of HIV infection and AIDS in each population. Prevention challenges…
December 1st is World AIDS Day. On this day, we unite in the fight against HIV, support the people that are living with HIV, and reflect on the people whose lives have been most affected by HIV/AIDS. Today we commemorate people who have died as a result of complications with AIDS including activists, peer educators, family…
As written by Alan Pelaez Lopez. Originally published on Black Girl Dangerous. “Last fall, I received a call from an old partner I had not spoken to in six-months. In the middle of debating whether to answer or not, I accidentally accepted the call and heard his voice. I went to get tested and I’m HIV…