This blog post was written in the period following the IAC. Some of the news stories and round-ups below may be removed or altered. Please contact the AIDS Library if you need assistance.
The AIDS Library has many publications brought back from the International AIDS Conference 2012. These cover a broad range: comprehensive reports from global organizations, focused reports on new prevention and treatment techniques, studies of drug policy in specific countries, special HIV/AIDS issues of academic journals, and much more.
We have compiled a complete list of Materials from AIDS 2012 in the AIDS Library (click that link for a PDF listing these materials by subject). Anyone interested in global AIDS policy should have a look, as many of these publications are not available anywhere else in Philadelphia.
Highlights of these materials are currently in a special display in the AIDS Library. The rest are available to be viewed in the Library.
For webcasts of all opening plenaries and many important workshops, see the Kaiser Family Foundation’s AIDS 2012 Wrap-Up.
For a general report, see the International AIDS Society’s:
- photo gallery
- YouTube page – including interviews with many of the major speakers
- daily bulletins with highlights of each days events
For a report on clinical research, see NAM AIDSmap’s extensive conference bulletins (available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Italian!)
For reports from U.S. government agencies, see and the YouTube page, including the video of speeches from Hillary Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Eric Goosby, and more.
There are a many other reports on the conference. Here are some that might be of interest:
- Many voices from
- Many voices from the Prevention Justice Alliance
- Kevin Fenton and Akiba Solomon at The Root
- Local coverage from The Washington Post
- Legal coverage from TrustLaw
- Opinions from Health Affairs magazine
- Radio reports from Democracy Now
For reports on the We Can End AIDS mobilization that took place during the week of the conference, see:
- The Inquirer’s covereage
- A slideshow from and another from The Washington Blade